Digital Distributed Mobile Application for Religious Diary and Schedule Management

  • Aiman Saeed
  • Javeria Qadir
  • Afshar Ahmed
  • Abdullah Ayub
  • Mazhar Ali Dootio
  • Ali Mohammad
  • Khuda Bukhsh
Keywords: Digital Application, Distributed Mobile Application, Schedule Management, Religious Diary.


Devices like Smartphones, tablets are a part of our daily life. The growth and spread of smartphones have created new opportunities for religious application developers to develop applications that provide utility and easy access to religious information. In this paper, we are focusing on the development of the digital Quran application where all the facilities will be easily available for all end users. This application help users to read the Quran anywhere and anytime with Sindhi, English, and Urdu translation. The most useful and legitimate function is that it provides the nearest Qibla Directions to the user in case if the person could end up in a non-familiar place alone. Another function is the digital diary that will not only keeps the track of your prayers but will also make small tasks easier. The mobile application that has been developed is not only useful as a learning tool but is also suitable for use in the practice of measuring the Qibla direction in various locations.


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How to Cite
Saeed, A., Qadir, J., Ahmed, A., Ayub, A., Dootio, M., Mohammad, A., & Bukhsh, K. (2022). Digital Distributed Mobile Application for Religious Diary and Schedule Management. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 3(No 1), 17-23. Retrieved from