Cloud Computing Adoption by Universities: An Analysis Based on Lasbela University

  • Mukhtar Ahmed
  • Junaid Jamshid
  • Ajmal Latif
  • Saif Ullah
Keywords: Cloud Computing, TOE, Lasbela, Chi-Square, Learning, Technology.


Cloud computing has constructive characteristics such as easy access, large data storage, distance learning, cost effectiveness, and pay-per-use. It has widely been adopted by universities in most of the countries, whereas due to the lack of empirical research its adoption in Pakistan is extremely low. The objective of our research is to determine the factors that influence the cloud computing adoption within the context of Technology Organization & Environmental framework in the universities of Balochistan, Pakistan. The TOE is used to identify the components that influence the cloud computing adoption in universities by integrating the TOE framework. This is primary quantitative research, and a questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire has circulated between faculty members & administrative staffs of Lasbela University & its campuses. SPSS is used for the data analysis as descriptive statistics are used for frequency, percentage, and graphical estimation. Inferential statistic and Chi-Square are used for hypothesis testing. The questionnaire’s reliability test Coefficient of Cronbach’s alpha is used. The results indicate that there is a lack of awareness of relative advantages, & IT skills. The compatibility, data security concerns, complexity, top management, technological readiness, and regularity policy have no positive significant effect on the cloud computing adoption at Lasbela University. University should adopt cloud computing services because it is an essential trending technology for the students, faculties, and administrative staffs; it facilitates faculty members and top management a better understanding and knowledge of learning.


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How to Cite
Ahmed, M., Jamshid, J., Latif, A., & Ullah, S. (2023). Cloud Computing Adoption by Universities: An Analysis Based on Lasbela University. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 3(2), 8-20. Retrieved from