Computer Aided Software Design (CASD) for Light Emitting Diode Modeling

  • Hla Myo Tun1
Keywords: Computer Aided Software Design, Light Emitting Diodes Modeling, MATLAB, Semiconductor Electronics, Computer Software


This paper is emphasized on the analysis of computer aided software design for light emitting
diode modeling in relation with the electronic properties and band diagram design. As the
electronic properties, the current-voltage characteristics, the band-gap energy as a function of
temperature, the temperature dependence of emission intensity are described briefly in this
research work. The properties and associated characteristics of the materials are analyzed with the
result figures. On the other hand, for the band structure design, the research is emphasized by the
homostructure and heterostructure of not only the existing known materials but also the other new
materials. The band-diagram results are approved by the parameters of the materials such as doping
concentrations, effective mass of the materials and so on. The most fundamental materials are
silicon and germanium. Beside the silicon and germanium, the band structure also shows the other
new materials such as ZnO, ZnCdO, CsPbBr3 and so on. This research will help the researchers
who analyze the light emitting diodes.

How to Cite
Tun1H. M. (2019). Computer Aided Software Design (CASD) for Light Emitting Diode Modeling. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 2(2), 15-44. Retrieved from