Infrared Radiation Enabled Segmentation And Forensics

  • Wardah Khatri
  • Wajid Ali
  • Rana Romaan
  • Abdullah Ayub
  • Zaffar Ahmed
Keywords: suspiciousness, weapon detection, digital forensics, neural networks, convolutional neural network (CNN)


This paper discusses the approach that discovers the suspiciousness of a suspected person and also perceives
whether the suspicious person has concealed (hidden) firearm or not as well as evaluates its accuracy with the testimony of
suspiciousness from IR image accurately and efficiently in order to save time in the confirmation of suspect while breaking
down the barrier with the assurance by spotting the hidden weapon under suspected suspicious person’s clothes with
supervised machine learning, 2D convolutional neural network approach with a 3-by-3 layer for the intention of the detection
of weapon and suspicious assessment measured under Digital Forensics


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How to Cite
Khatri, W., Ali, W., Romaan, R., Ayub, A., & Ahmed, Z. (2022). Infrared Radiation Enabled Segmentation And Forensics. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 3(No 1), 24-29. Retrieved from