Crossover of Artificial Intelligence and Software Development Lifecycle

  • Amna Raza Khan
  • Javeria Fatima
  • Sumaira Ahmed
Keywords: Software development, Artificial intelligence, software development lifecycle, Low code no code.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a multidimensional technology that has the potential to revolutionize our environment by combining numerous algorithms and techniques to generate diverse results based on user-provided information. AI is redefining the meaning of life and human existence by offering innovative solutions to age-old problems. In this article, we have discussed the various ways in which AI can be utilized across the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and its different phases. By incorporating AI into the SDLC, we can automate many of the procedures, spending less time on development and more time on problem-solving. AI has many new emerging fields which can help us efficiently work on the different problems faced in SDLC. Neural networks, Natural processing Language, Image generation using different algorithms, using Ai in quality assurances and testing. Building integrated development environment on the basis of AI and infusing the rules of the said technology. This will lead to a faster-paced world and increase the trust of non-IT individuals in this concept, resulting in widespread adoption of AI-based systems. The development of a system that provides the foundation for automated coding and development will allow non-IT individuals to create custom applications and fulfill their own development needs. This will propel us forward to solve future problems, and it is already underway with the production of Low Code No Code apps.


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How to Cite
Khan, A., Fatima, J., & Ahmed, S. (2023). Crossover of Artificial Intelligence and Software Development Lifecycle. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 4(1), 35-42. Retrieved from