Analysis on Interactive Shape Editing Design Based on Half Edge Transformation Scheme

  • Hla Myo Tun1
Keywords: Interactive Shape Editing Design, Free Form Deformation, Half Edge Transformation, Computer Graphic Design, Visual C , MATLAB


This paper intends to develop a common framework for complete mesh deformation and realtime
shape editing with half edge transformation. Mathematically, the challenging issue being
addressed in this paper involves an interactive shape editing with half edge transformation
(ISDHET) of qualities of affine 3-D geometry of mesh. FFD technique that is appropriate for
indication of mesh surface is described in this work. During interactive deformation, to obtain
real-time comment, the issue is divided into the development and the more robust approach of
variation that maintains qualities of fetching scalar area. The interface of lattice-based
volumetric scaling is established so as to employ deformation. The duty of user is to sketch the
half edge on the surface. After that, from mesh points called Sederberg margin, the surface is
extracted or moved to the fetching location. As a consequence, the deformation is represented.
The approach is created in the model of FFD mesh system that is known as model of interactive
shape editing. In design of interactive shape editing, updated outcomes describe that while
maintaining qualities of mesh, the fetching deformation are enabled to be obtained.

How to Cite
Tun1H. M. (2019). Analysis on Interactive Shape Editing Design Based on Half Edge Transformation Scheme. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 2(1), 12-29. Retrieved from