A Review of Wavelets Emerging Applications for Digital Wireless Communication

  • Rumsia Tahir
  • Muhammad Abbas
Keywords: Wavelets Wireless Communication, Wavelet Applications, Image Compression, Biomedical applications of wavelets


The use of wavelets in digital wireless communication systems has benefited data compression, source and
channel coding, signal denoising, channel modeling, and transceiver design. During these applications, Wavelet's key
advantage its ability to precisely identify signals. This paper discusses recent trends and developments in the use of
wavelets in wireless communications. Among other applications, wavelets are employed to model wireless channels,
reduce interference, denoise, offer multiple access, transport ultra wideband data, transmit cognitive radio data, and
connect wireless networks. Structural performance and architectures that can handle enormous amounts of data have
become more challenging as a result of the merging of communication and information technology and the potential
for pervasive connectivity. The possibility of pervasive connectivity and the convergence of communication and
information technology have made it difficult to create technologies and systems that can handle massive amounts of
data while operating with severely constrained resources like electricity and bandwidth. Wavelets are the best solution
for this issue. Due to its scalability and versatility, wavelet technology has a bright future in wireless technology.


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How to Cite
Tahir, R., & Abbas, M. (2023). A Review of Wavelets Emerging Applications for Digital Wireless Communication. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 3(2), 21-28. Retrieved from https://ijcrt.smiu.edu.pk/index.php/smiu/article/view/142