A Comprehensive Review of 5G Technology and Beyond

  • Rooh ul Hasnain
  • Shan Mazhar
Keywords: 5G Technology, Next-Gen Wireless Communication, Wireless Networks, Internet of Things and Connectivity Transformations.


The advent of 5G technology marks a transformative phase in wireless communication, promising unprecedented advancements in data speed, low latency, and connectivity. This research paper delves into the profound implications of 5G on next-generation wireless communication systems. Beginning with an exploration of the evolutionary trajectory of wireless technologies, the study provides an in-depth overview of 5G, elucidating its key features and architecture, including the Radio Access Network (RAN), Core Network (CN), and Network Slicing. The paper scrutinizes the multifaceted impacts of 5G on next-gen wireless communication, ranging from enhanced data speeds and real-time communication to the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Additionally, it assesses the diverse applications of 5G across sectors such as healthcare, smart cities, automotive, industrial IoT, and entertainment. Amidst these promising prospects, the research critically examines challenges such as security concerns, infrastructure requirements, and spectrum allocation. Looking ahead, the study anticipates future trends in 5G and beyond, including the emergence of 6G and advanced use cases. Through case studies, the paper analyzes successful 5G deployments and extracts valuable lessons for future implementations. In conclusion, the findings contribute to the understanding of 5G's transformative potential, offering recommendations for future research and considerations for the global adoption of this groundbreaking technology.


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How to Cite
Hasnain, R., & Mazhar, S. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of 5G Technology and Beyond. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 4(2), 12-23. Retrieved from https://ijcrt.smiu.edu.pk/index.php/smiu/article/view/188