Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) for Remote Healthcare Monitoring Using Wearable Sensors

  • S M Nazmuz Sakib
Keywords: IoMT (Internet of Medical Things), remote health monitoring (RHM), medical, sensor.


In the healthcare industry, the most recent innovations and developments in communication and informational technique play a critical role. These developments paved the mode for the IoMT (Internet of Medical Things), which allows for persistent, distant, and genuine patient monitoring. The capacity, connectivity protocols, big data and volume of data, adaptability, durability, data processing, data acquisition system, data handling, and analytics accessibility, economic viability, privacy and security, and power efficiency are all problems that IoMT architectures confront. The basic aim of his research is to employ remote health monitoring (RHM) and IoMT to identify health monitor easy approach to improve medical residing conditions. Moreover, the use of IoMT and Medical knowledge RHM to strengthen the protection, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic capacities of the Internet of medical things is addressed. The IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) involves a network of health care devices and individuals that exchange medical data via wireless communications. With the rising expansion of the population and the use of advanced technology, medical expenses and medical cost has significantly increased. The coupling of IoMT with medical healthcare has the potential to increase people's lives, deliver effective medical therapy, and establish pocket-friendly approaches. This study discusses the current state of IoT in the medical business, as well as plans for development and innovation strategies and implementations. The adoption of IoT in the medical sector has evolved worldwide, but it still encounters numerous architectural and technological hurdles. To find a solution to the mentioned problems, current research illustrates a basic IoMT design that comprises 3 foundational pillars: data gathering, connection gateways, and servers/cloud. Ultimately, this article examined the possibilities and potential of IoMT in practice, as well as the associated remarkable research concern. 


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How to Cite
Sakib, S. M. (2024). Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) for Remote Healthcare Monitoring Using Wearable Sensors. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 4(2), 36-50. Retrieved from