The Green Drive: A Comparative Analysis of Carbon Emissions of Traditional Fuel-Based Vehicles

  • Hamza Ahmed
  • Khawaja Hassan Nizami
  • Muhammad Sharique
  • Seema Hassan Sahar
  • Saqib Hassan Mehboob
  • Syeda Paras
Keywords: Carbon emissions, Fossil fuel, Fuel consumption, Climate control


This research exposition delves into the ecological ramifications of gasoline-fueled automobiles vis-à-vis their gasoline-driven counterparts. This investigative endeavor employed a comparative methodology, mindful of the escalating apprehensions surrounding climatic alterations and the imperative for sustainable conveyance. The compilation encompasses a plethora of vehicles utilizing carbon monoxide, accentuating authentic emissions data, life cycle examinations, and manufacturers. Participants were meticulously chosen from an array of designs and models to furnish a paradigmatic emissions framework emblematic of vehicular advancement. Procuring emissions data from esteemed enterprises, ecological collectives, and peer-reviewed sources constituted the inaugural phase of the data accumulation process. Despite assiduous endeavors to ascertain precision, limitations of recognition encompass discrepancies in reportage methodologies and biases inherent in the data proffered by corporations, underscoring the import of gauging outcomes in academic milieus. Model Accuracy - Linear Regression 348.24, Ridge Regression 345.45, Lasso Regression 337.21, KNN Regression 314, SVR Regression 333.12, Random Forest 268.4 Actual Value is 28 - Random Forest predication is near to more accurate than other applied models.


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How to Cite
Ahmed, H., Nizami, K., Sharique, M., Sahar, S., Mehboob, S., & Paras, S. (2025). The Green Drive: A Comparative Analysis of Carbon Emissions of Traditional Fuel-Based Vehicles. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 5(1), 24-35. Retrieved from