Edge Computing: Applications & Challenges: A Short Review
Edge computing is distributed computing system in which Edge devices are used to process data locally, at the point of generation. Compared to alternative computer architectures, it offers higher latency as data processing and analysis are completed on the premises. Input-output ports, memory, storage, CPUs, and other components are integrated into edge computing tools. On these devices, data processing and analysis programs are installed at the location of data creation. A distributed computing paradigm known as "edge computing" improves reaction times and conserves bandwidth by bringing processing and data storage closer to the point of demand. Low latency, real-time processing, and the capacity to handle data at the edge of the network are important features. Edge computing is useful for many applications, including Internet of Things (IoT), virtual and augmented reality, smart cities, and driverless cars. Local data processing lowers latency, making it appropriate for applications where timely decision-making is essential. This study is to focus applications and challenges of edge computing along with tools which imparts key part of the edge computing. These tools and techniques can lead a better way to improve edge computing challenges. Hence this study recommends few research direction for research with regard latest development. This paper is review in the field edge computing.
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