ICT Utilization in Nigeria Libraries: An Empirical Study of Libraries of Colleges of Education

  • Muhammad Alhaji Muhammad Enagi1 Muhammad Ndagi Saba2
Keywords: ICT, COE, Nigeria.


Libraries in Nigeria began to use ICTs in the early 1990s. As at that time there was little
progress in the use of ICT in Nigeria. But today there has been considerable progress
particularly in Nigeria Colleges of Education (C.O.E) libraries which are the main concern of
this study. The purpose was to determine the position of ICT in these libraries particularly
major challenges to the use of ICT and strategies to overcome such challenges. Thus, eight
research questions guided the study, while a descriptive survey research design was employed.
A population of 60 librarians was used through simple random sampling. Structured
questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collected was analyzed and presented in
frequency table with proportion (ratio or percentage) of each state highlighted where
applicable. However, the findings revealed that most libraries in Nigerian Colleges of
Education use computers as stand-alone devices whose applications are confined to
bibliographic database maintenance and word processing. While some have an online
connection and are providing external resource sharing on a limited scale. Most libraries use
CDS/ISIS software. In one of the library there is a Graphical Library Automation System
(GLAS) equipped with a network server and a number of PCs distributed in a LAN within
different sections of the library. This system is being used to create bibliographic databases,
and for acquisitions, cataloguing, and serials control. Although there was remarkable progress
to the use of ICT in most libraries, but in some of the libraries it is still at the infancy level. A
number of problems contributed to this, they include; lack of awareness of administrators and
policy makers of the importance of ICT, lack of shared initiatives, skilled manpower, long-term
planning, financial support, and infrastructure. Thus, the paper recommended for sensitization
of administrators, policy makers and staff on the importance of ICT, long-term planning, and
provision of appropriate fund and infrastructure amongst others.
ICT, COE, Nigeria.
1 Introduction

How to Cite
Muhammad Ndagi Saba2M. A. M. E. (2019). ICT Utilization in Nigeria Libraries: An Empirical Study of Libraries of Colleges of Education. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 2(1), 30-41. Retrieved from https://ijcrt.smiu.edu.pk/index.php/smiu/article/view/48