Computer Tools Which are Supporting Construction and Management of Transport Systems

  • Damian Lach1
Keywords: Traffic Planning, Traffic Flows, Construct of Transport Systems, Elements of Computing Construct, Manage of Public Transport


Analysis includes presentation of the main computer tools, which serve to contruction and
management of transport systems. Clasificated chosen tools in such a way that
corresponded to the areas of analysis in which are using. Aggregation level is included
which can divide on micro and macroscopes areas of analysis. Presented tools are used to
build individual components of communications network, whole transport systems and to
the public transport management. In the individual stages of the analysis describe the
selected functions of the mentioned tools and characterize the most important properties.
The PTV Visum tool is described in detail which is used for planning traffic flows on the
transport network. The most important feature of the program is described and the main
stages of traffic flow planning in chosen city are described with this tool. Visum was chosen
for detailed analysis because it is most commonly used in forecasting traffic flows on
transport networks. The most important advantage of the program is the ability to
individually define variables related to actual traffic conditions. Building a model with
Visum is simple and intuitive. A large number of functions allow to reflect the real problem
and to solve it without the need for complicated mathematical methods. The presented
research problem consists on the analyzing traffic flows in the city of Opole by modelling
the network using the Visum computer tool. The problem of decomposition on road and
road congestion has been analyzed in a specific part of the city's transport network. There
are two variants of ways to relieve the roads on which the main traffic is running in the
city. All obtained results are presented in graphical and tabular form. The conclusions of
the analysis refer to the choice of the appropriate variant in terms of traffic conditions.

How to Cite
Lach1D. (2019). Computer Tools Which are Supporting Construction and Management of Transport Systems. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 1(2), 13-24. Retrieved from