Recognition Of Hand Gesture Using CNN for American Sign Language

  • HADEEB Khan
  • Muhammad Bilal
Keywords: American Sign Language, hand capturing, hand segmentation, feature mining, CNN, Recognition of gesture, Single hand recognition.


We have proposed gesture recognition system for hand gesture in this paper which would make communication easier for people who have problem of hearing impairment, and they will have more opportunities to interact and deal with the outer world because not everyone can understand the sign language so advancement in this would make a great social impact for such patients that they will easily be able to carry out their thoughts. For recognition of sign language alphabets. There are four modules on which our system works which includes hand tracking and segmentation, feature extraction, recognition of gesture, application interface. HSV (Hue Saturation Value and Camshaft method is utilized for hand tracking and segmentation. We have implemented CNN (Convolutional Neutral Network) for recognition of gesture. We have proposed a gesture recognition system which is not expensive, and it is also easy to use which works for single hand gesture recognition. The system will be helpful for greater number of hearing-impaired people to be able to easily communicate with other people. The paper is divided into various section which has the introduction at first, following to it the literature review, then it contains methodology and result discussions, and lastly the conclusion with future scope.


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How to Cite
Khan, H., SIDDIUI, S., & Bilal, M. (2023). Recognition Of Hand Gesture Using CNN for American Sign Language. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 3(2), 43-50. Retrieved from