Implementation of Real-Time SCADA-Based HCI Manufacturing Process

  • Hla Myo Tun1 Zaw Min Naing2 Maung Latt3 Win Khine Moe4


This research presents SCADA based control system that is capable of Natural Fertilizer
Manufacturing Process. In this research, the simulation of the whole process is conducted in realtime
condition by using Visual C#.Net programming under Visual Studio 2008 software. The
parallel port of PC and PIC microcontrollers have been communicated with parallel port interface
Visual C#.Net program. Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC16F877A) is used as a control unit of
natural fertilizer manufacturing process with C Programming instead of Programmable Logic
Controller hardware. In interfacing section, parallel port was used to communicate to the personal
computer with all process devices. However, it did not use so many input lines because it has
limitation of I/O ports. Optocouplers are also included to divide different voltages between circuits
and the computer. The monitoring system displays the real time manufacturing process on the
computer. This automation process helps the natural fertilizer manufacturing process to reduce the
amount of errors that occur, to reduce the human resources, to increase the efficiency and cost

How to Cite
Win Khine Moe4H. M. T. (2019). Implementation of Real-Time SCADA-Based HCI Manufacturing Process. International Journal of Computing and Related Technologies, 1(1), 11-32. Retrieved from